From Agios Konstantinos:
Skopelos Agios Konstantinos, Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos Fthiotida, traveling to Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos, how to get to Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos, Skopelos Agios Konstantinos Itineraries, get to Skopelos from Athens, timetables and routes, trip duration, Skopelos by boat, getting to Skopelos, Skopelos from Athens, Skopelos Tourism. How to get to Skopelos by boat. How to get to Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos. Routes, Timetables, and Ports: Skopelos, Glossa. Agios Konstantinos Fthiotida.
From Agios Konstantinos to Skopelos
The ferry itineraries from Agios Konstantinos to Skopelos for the summer season of 2025 have not been announced yet. For reference, the summer 2024 itineraries were finalized on September 8, 2024. We currently do not have any information regarding schedules or availability. We will update this page as soon as official details are released.
Traveling to Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos
How to get to Skopelos from Athens. To get to beautiful Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos Port you have to travel with:
- Panorama accepts passengers and vehicles
TIP 1: Panorama of the Olympian Ferries operates seasonally only during the summer period on August. In wintertime, there aren’t scheduled itineraries.
Trip duration
Trip Duration. The ferry boat from Agios Konstantinos (Fthiotida) to Skopelos takes approximately 4 hours.
From Agios Konstantinos port, the Panormara boat first stops at Skiathos and then at Glossa Skopelos.
Agios Konstantinos – Skiathos – Glossa Skopelos.
Distance Athens – Agios Konstantinos
Agios Konstantinos is about 170 km away from Athens. To arrive from Athens to Agios Konstantinos in your own vehicle, you will need about 1 hour and 30 minutes. You will also find tolls on the route. The cost of tolls amounts to approximately 12€ under current conditions. This cost may change.
Buses from Athens to Agios Konstantinos
In case you do not have your own vehicle, the Olympian Ferries company incorporation with KTEL FTHIOTIDAS transfers you from Athens to Agios Konstantinos and vice versa.
Specifically, KTEL FTHIOTIDAS buses depart from the address 6 Rikaki, 104 45 Athens, Liosion Station. Telephone number: +30 2108317147, +302108324200
The contact number of the Fthiotida Agios Konanstinos bus is +302235032223 while Fthiotida Lamia Ktel is +30 2231051345.
Tip 1: There are always bus stations in your area as well as private taxi companies.
Tip 2: Tickets can also be purchased from Skopelos agencies.
Tip 3: Buses stop directly opposite the port, adjacent to Agios Konstantinos Church.
Travel Cost
The travel cost to Skopelos from Agios Konstantinos is as follows:
CAR: 82,00€
The timetables and routes are as follows (Skopelos Agios Konstantinos Itineraries):
In general, you should know that the routes to Skopelos are usually as follows:
- For the Easter period up to the Holy Spirit, the routes are finalized just before Easter,
- For the summer season, from May to August, itineraries are finalized shortly after Easter,
- For September the routes are finalized in July.
Skopelos has a full season in July and August. So it’s a good idea to book your tickets on time.
Tickets can be booked via:
- tourist agencies (tourist offices of Skopelos) (tourist offices of Agios Konstantinos)
- in the offices of Olympian Ferries
- via the Internet.
General Information
The ship that goes from Agios Konstantinos to Sporades and Skopelos is called “PANORAMA” and is owned by OLYMPIAN FERRIES. Tel.: +30 210 4100023, email: Address: Filonos 91 Piraeus 18531.
If you would like to learn more about the port please contact:
- Port Authority of Agios Konstantinos Tel: +30 22350 31759, +30 22353 50320
- Port Authority of Skopelos Tel: +3024240 22180
- Under the Port Authority of Skopelos Tel: +3024240 33033